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scandal and near-nude selfies: Meet US reality star tipped for CBB

Draya Michele
As we all know, every CBB line-up needs an unknown star with a scandalous past – and this lady may just be the one for the job.

US reality star Draya Michele may be entering this year's house, and she has all the credentials to make the cut.

The 30-year-old is a star of the American TV show Basketball Wives: LA, despite not being married to a basketball player – she used to date American football star Orlando Scandrick.

But Draya is much more than just a bit-player on a reality TV show – she's basically the new Kim Kardashian.Miss Michele was embroiled in a sex tape scandal last year when a video showing her performing an oral sex act was leaked.

Draya initially denied a tape existed back in November – but that was before images and video began to circulate online.

Her ex-boyfriend David Miranda had previously hit her with a lawsuit demanding the return of videos he made with her during their relationship, as he was worried they were in somebody else's possession and that they could be leaked… whoops.

However, the former stripper has not let the sex tape fiasco bring her down – hey, look at Kim/Paris/Courtney, right?

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