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I’m looking forward to working with you, Sushmita Sen to Aishwarya Rai

We had reported earlier that Aishwarya Rai and Sushmita Sen, the ultimate beauty queens of Bollywood, will be coming together in debutant director Prahlad Kakar’s ‘Happy Anniversary’.
Well, Sushmita now confirms the news. In an interview with a popular tabloid, Ms Sen got talking about the much awaited reunion and alleged rivalry with Aishwarya Rai.
“Aishwarya, I am looking forward to working with you! The truth is that Prahlad, Ash and I go back a long way… to our (1994) beauty pageant days. I’ve never known her well enough to call her a friend. But I think she is a great human being. In those days, our lives ran parallel. Later, we chose different paths. But there was no rivalry. I live my life loving people.”
Sushmita also spoke about her kids, Renee and Alisa. While her everyday goes in taking care of Alisah, the weekends are solely dedicated to Renee as she is at a boarding school.
For Sush, her children are everything. That is one of the main reason why she took a loon break from films. “Alisa was just one and a half months when I adopted her and even too young for even me because I had Renee come into my life when she was six months. What made my decision (of taking a break from films) more clear was that Alisa has early stages of asthma and needs nebullizer for anything that triggers of her allergy. Though doctor says it’s temporary condition but it’s very serious and she was on severe medication. So it’s not even an option for me. I just wanted to make sure that her heart and lungs are both stronger before I get out there and make a film. They are now. She is my daughter and she is a tough cookie.”
Sushmita, You are a Real Beauty, both inside and out!

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